Jewel Calculator a calculator is used to calculate the gold jewel price in today's market value. The Jewel Calculator will automatically fetch your location and gives you the exact price of the gold of your country. Or you can select it manually. Enter the correct wastage percentage, wages and tax of the gold to calculate the price for your jewel. Jewellery Calculator has all currency denomination so that you can see the gold price in your desired currency value. The weight of your gold can be entered in gram and ounce.宝石计算器计算器用于计算黄金珠宝的价格在今天的市场价值。 Jewel的计算器会自动获取您的位置并为您提供贵国金的具体价格。您也可以手动选择它。请输入正确的流失比例的黄金,工资和税收计算的价格为您的宝石。珠宝计算器具有所有货币单位,这样你可以看到金价在您需要的货币值。你的黄金的重量可以在克和盎司来输入。